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The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit at Aghorekamini Prakashchandra Mahavidyalaya is a vibrant and integral part of the college, dedicated to promoting community service and social responsibility among students. Through various initiatives and activities, the NSS unit fosters a sense of civic duty and personal development among its volunteers.

Purpose and Objectives

The NSS aims to develop the personality of students through community service and to create a sense of social and civic responsibility. The primary objectives of the NSS unit at Aghore Kamini Prakashchandra Mahavidyalaya include:

  • Community Engagement: Encouraging students to understand and address social issues and problems.
  • Personality Development: Developing leadership qualities, teamwork, and a sense of discipline among volunteers.
  • Civic Responsibility: Instilling a sense of national pride and civic responsibility in students.

Structure and Enrollment

The NSS unit is led by a Program Officer, typically a faculty member, who coordinates the activities and programs. Enrollment in the NSS is voluntary and open to all students of the college. Actually the College has 03 NSS units. The enrollment process involves:

  • Orientation Sessions: Informing students about the goals, activities, and benefits of the NSS.
  • Registration: Interested students fill out a registration form to officially join the NSS unit.
  • Induction: New volunteers are inducted into the NSS through an orientation program that familiarizes them with the expectations and opportunities of the scheme.

Activities and Programs

The NSS unit at Aghorekamini Prakashchandra Mahavidyalaya engages in a wide range of activities that emphasize service to the community, environmental conservation, and social awareness. Some of the key activities include:

  • Community Service Projects: Initiatives such as literacy drives, health camps, and cleanliness campaigns that directly benefit local communities.
  • Environmental Activities: Tree plantation drives, waste management projects, and campaigns to raise awareness about environmental issues.
  • Health and Hygiene Programs: Organizing blood donation camps, health check-up camps, and awareness programs on topics like nutrition, sanitation, and disease prevention.
  • Disaster Relief and Management: Participation in relief efforts during natural calamities and training sessions on disaster management.
  • Cultural and Educational Programs: Organizing workshops, seminars, and cultural events that promote national integration and cultural awareness.
  • Special Camps: Conducting special camps that focus on intensive community service activities and leadership training over a period of days or weeks.

Impact and Benefits

Participation in the NSS offers numerous benefits to students, including:

  • Skill Development: Enhancing soft skills such as communication, leadership, and teamwork.
  • Social Awareness: Increasing awareness of social issues and challenges, fostering empathy and a proactive attitude.
  • Civic Responsibility: Encouraging active citizenship and involvement in community development.
  • Personal Growth: Providing opportunities for self-reflection, confidence-building, and personal growth.
  • Career Enhancement: Adding valuable experience to students’ resumes, beneficial for future career prospects.

 The NSS unit at Aghorekamini Prakashchandra Mahavidyalaya plays a crucial role in shaping socially responsible and engaged citizens. By offering a platform for students to contribute to society, the NSS unit not only benefits the community but also enriches the educational experience of the volunteers, fostering a spirit of service and commitment.


NSS Advisory subcommittees:

1. Prof. Dr. Paramartha Ghosh                                   Principal & President

   2. Prof. Bibhas Das                                                        PO NSS UNIT-1

   3. Prof. Dr. Tarun Ghosh                                         PO NSS UNIT-2 & Convener

   4. Prof. Jesmine Begum                                                  PO NSS UNIT-3

   5. Prof. Jayanta Kumar Nandi                                        Bursar & Member

  6. Prof. Soma Ghosh                                                               Member

  7. Prof. Ruma Rani Dey Mandal                                             Member

  8. Prof. Prabash Kumar De                                                      Member

  9. Prof. Hriday Dalal                                                                Member

10. Prof. Azizur Rahaman                                                           Member

11. Prof. Falguni Bez                                                                   Member

12. Prof. Jishu Sheel                                                                    Member

13. Prof. Biswanath Kundu                                                          Member

14. Sri Mrityunjoy Mapui                                                             Member

15. Sri Tapan Kumar Roy                                                              Member

16. Sk Abasuddin                                                                           Member

17. Sri Sudip Ghosh                                                                        Member

18. Sri Shyamapada Ruidas                                                             Member 

Activities conducted by NSS at the College

                  NSS ACTIVITIES

Glimpse of NSS activities

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